Skoči na glavno vsebino

The theme of travel as the main theme of the mobility really enthused the students’ curiosity and motivated them in the mixed international groups where they created virtual travel agencies and together prepared programmes for three destinations within the time limit of three days within each other’s countries. In order to get better acquainted with the work of travel agencies, the director of the Kompas Travel Agency from Postojna, Ms Maša Miklavčič was invited to present an overview of their work including everything needed to organize programmes and how to organize a webpage that will be interesting enough for every customer. Besides this they also prepared maps showing the distance of travel from each partner school to Pivka, Slovenia using variuos means of transport.  

The students worked sovereignly during the entire week, which was evident from their knowledge of ICT and English as the language of communication. Wonderful front pages of travel agencies started to emerge with presentations of three-day destinations, containing links to important information such as finances, means of travel, accomodation, interesting sights.

Paradise Destinations:

Eraspro Agency:

Trust Unforgettable Travels:

Trust Joy Tour:

Adrenaline Cyprus:

Their results were put on the twin space portal and the school website. Two articles were written about the event for Primorske Novice and Pivški list. A live interview also took place on national Radio 94, Postojna about international projects undertaken at Osnovna šola Pivka with special reference to this one.

(Skupno 122 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)